• 16BitAudioSupport flag tells if the Sound Manager supports 16-bit sampled sounds (compact disk quality). • MultiChannels flag tells if the Sound Manager supports simultaneous channels. • SndPlayDoubleBuffer flag tells if SndPlayDoubleBuffer function is available. • LineLevelInput flag tells if sound input port requires line level. • StereoInput flag tells if the sounds can be stereo recorded. • 16BitSoundIO flag tells if sound hardware can play and record 16-bit samples. • PlayAndRecord flag tells if built-in hardware can play and record simultaneously. • HasSoundInputDevice flag tells if a sound input device is available. • BuiltInSoundInput flag tells if built-in Sound Input hardware is present. • SoundIOMgrPresent flag tells if sound capture routines are present. • QuickTimeUsesNewSoundMgrCalls flag is used with Sound Manager version 3 for QuickTime (this flag was used before System 6.0.6). • StereoMixing flag tells if the hardware can mix both channels of a stereo sound into one signal to be played on the internal speaker. • StereoCapability flag tells if the Sound Manager has stereophonic capability.